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Modal Components

Your modal components will receive the following props when opened:

interface ModalProps<ReturnValue = any> extends Record<string, any> {
// whether this modal is the topmost modal in the stack
isOpen: boolean
// the unique id of the modal
id: string
// the index of the modal in the stack
index: number
// closes the modal with an optional return value
close: (value?: ReturnValue) => void
// awaits transitions before opening the next modal
exitBeforeEnter?: Action


If you’re using Typescript, you should use this interface to define the props of your modal components.

<script lang="ts">
import type { ModalProps } from 'svelte-modals'
// optional
type CloseValue = 'cancel' | 'confirm'
interface MyModalProps extends ModalProps<CloseValue> {
title: string
const { isOpen, title, close }: MyModalProps = $props()
function handleConfirm() {
// uses CloseValue